It’s not right to just leave…….
I skipped out on you guys since Spring and I apologize for that. Like many of you, this year of 2020 has not been my best and I have been floundering around, trying to find my way back to……….me.
I have basically been in quarantine since January when I had my thirteenth surgery stemming from my car crash in 2010. I had hardware removal of my left ankle due to a screw backing out of my bone. Just as soon as I was recovered from that, Covid hit and we were truly in quarantine.
That last surgery caused a major flare up of my neuralgia (CRPS) and I was wheelchair bound and in excruciating pain, March through May. I questioned who I was and what my purpose was going to be if I could not function as well as I did before and with all speaking events canceled for the rest of the year, I lost who I was.
Our youngest child was graduating from high school and planning to move out in the summer. I felt I was losing my front seat ‘Mom card’ as well. My life was like a ping pong ball being tossed around in a hurricane with these major life changing events all happening simultaneously.
Since, I have pulled myself together. My pain specialist is helping me get control of my neuralgia. Some speaking events are taking place virtually, with hopes that sometime in 2021 we will be speaking live again and since I am now spending more time in my wheelchair, I have been practicing my wheelies! If I am to travel alone, I will need to be able to pop myself up over thresholds, curbs, and such and this is a necessity. So, enjoy my short video of practice, practice, practice.
I’m writing this in my deer blind on a gorgeous sixty-degree evening, hoping the deer don’t mind the motocross racers practicing loudly on the other side of this tree line.
I have more news, but I will save that for next time.
Happy December!
Oh and check out my Etsy shop, we have some new products from my days of photographing on the farm, especially this new mask!